Cary Greer, BOCP

Board Certified Prosthetist

Cary Greer is a native of Canada, having made Tennessee his home for the last 16 years. Cary attended Southern Adventist University in Collegedale, Tennessee. Cary attended many training courses as he worked toward his BOCP Certification including, but not limited to: the Rheo Course and Advanced Rheo Course, the OWWTT Shape Capture, the Suspension and Socket Design Course, the MAS Socket Design course, the Utah Arm Course, to name several.

Cary has worked with all ages in helping patients achieve their goals after limb loss. He takes the time to listen to the patients needs and educate them about their options. He combines high quality with the latest technology for his patients. Cary joined PPS Orthotic & Prosthetic Services in 2008, providing prosthetic expertise in the fabrication lab as well a providing patient care in the greater Chattanooga area. Cary brings over 10 years experience to our organization and specializes in lower extremity prosthetics providing custom ultra-light prosthetics.

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